Tuesday 17 June 2008

China's Suntech Power rises on bargain hunting: Associated Press Business News - MSN Money

China's Suntech Power rises on bargain hunting: Associated Press Business News - MSN Money The Green Capitalist thinks that once again the market has been 'analysed' by idiots with acne, idiots too clever to grasp simple concepts. The over-educated who never have actually been on a factory floor. And since their Clevernesses were good enough to screw the entire financial system just so they could pick up their commissions, now, having destroyed more shareholder value than Al Quaida or Stalin managed, they are now nervous as hell and jumping on every rumour. And since anyone who knew anything about solar or alternative energy and technology in the Brokers, which last had a head of steam in the aftermath of the 1973 oil shock is retired or dead and which was killed off when oil became ridiculously cheap again. Where it remained until lately. Younger readers will be unaware of two day queues for the rationed petrol,now doubled to 50p per gallon. That's nines litres for a pound. And so technology which promised so much got frozen, and indeed,frozen out. And now we find ourselves having to find out for ourselves,as the kid hacks don't understand. So as when Germany had a recent look at the REFIT rates it was going offer, recently, so it is with Spain and the awaited Royal Decree. Some are even unaware that Suntech have huge back-orders. More are unaware that their Andalay system could become an industry leader. Journalists write, whether or not they're right. Lazy ones used to have to go the library of cuttings kept by all papers. Stories were based on what someone else had written and got into print,and the errors in one article would be repeated over and over. And the Internet amplifies this. So it is a pleasure to read this article about Suntech (STP). Down by half since January,the share price has being slowly beginning to crawl back up. Now dear reader,excuse me while I check the change jar and what I can find down the back of the sofa.

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