Tuesday 13 May 2008

Geothermal Power Information for Investors

The Green Capitalist tries to show background information to help readers understand the issues. There is a Green Bubble abuilding,and with oil and gas at unprecedented prices there are many snake-oil salesmen out there. I hope that my readers won't get caught up in the coming rush to the latest energy solution and I will try to point you to resources which will educate,and even entertain. I'll do my best to use plain English,because I agree with Warren Buffett. If you don't understand how a business works or makes its money stay away. Dreamdust can be very expensive,as many discovered in the dotcom boom,and as many property investors now discover to their chagrin, markets really do go down and not always relentlessly upwards. The best tool the smart investor has is knowledge. Armed with a bodyguard of knowledge the astute can combat the conmen and chancers seeking to fleece them. So it is that I post this link in order to offer some knowledge which you can use,perhaps as a jumping-off point. Google can be your friend here. Don't get stung, get informed. Hands On - The Earth Report from TVE.org

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