Tuesday 1 July 2008

BBC NEWS | Business | 'Green' energy spending on rise

BBC NEWS | Business | 'Green' energy spending on rise Reading this excellent piece from the Beeb I felt a strong sense of deja vu, or of an echo of something familiar. I imagine this is shared by readers who know me. About 1995 their eyes started to glaze over when I banged on about this ecological stuff. And how much potential it had. The Market has a lot of money sloshing around at the moment, as irrational behaviour of panicked investors, the coming home to roost of really dodgy behaviour by their oh-so-clever acned geniuses who have slashed stockholder value in their banks (and who remain employed), and the stock market slide has made people fearful of equity investing. Property too no longer seems a safe haven. Gold, Commodities and most other areas still have potential downsides,and folk who have just seen the value of their pension pretty much halved are wary,if not quite leery about putting their cash down. And let's not forget that institutional investors need to invest in something.

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