Saturday 5 July 2008

Wave power

Wave power This is a useful look at renewables from a Norwegian perspective. Although it seems to date back to 2006, their explanations also bring up the names of companies which don't get much coverage, and which well merit a look. Certainly some of the names are well-known, and shipping company Fred Olsen is well known. Norway has stewarded its oil resources well, and has ensured a high quality of life for future citizens. Yes, it has high taxes,but that has long been the Scandinavian model. But with a certain farsightedness which shows just how other other countries have frittered away oil bonanzas by comparison, the Norwegians decided to set a significant part of their oil revenues aside,as a hedge against the inevitable end of black gold.If any country has demonstrated that popular buzzword 'Prudence', then this one is arguably it. The Norwegians may even have a claim on having created the first national sovereign fund. Here in Ireland there are several companies which are actively testing full-size prototypes, but nome seem yet ready for an IPO. In the current climate,when IPOs are as thin on the ground as happy bankers that is hardly a surprise. But one day soon some of these technologies will come to the market for funds. When they do, The Green Capitalist will alert readers,and urge them to fill their boots.

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